Training the Singing Voice - online book

An exploration of the theories, methods & techniques of Voice training.

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practice, 198; singer's trinity, 196; syl­labic, 197, 200, 202; technical approach, 199; techniques in phonation, 212
Diction problems, 264
Dictionary, use of 14
Drills, repetitive, 55; rote, 53,68
Dramatic singing, 168
Dramatic tenor, 149
Dynamics, vocal, 52, 85, 125, 132, 141, 166, 167, 173, 187; acoustical factors, 166; de­fined, 11, 166; governed by hearing, 174; gradation of vocal volume, 101, 166, 172, i74» 233» methods of controlling, 168, i6g» i74» *75» problems, 262; psychological approach, 168; related to breathing, 72, 170; related to phonation, 175; related to pitch, 159; related to resonance, 169; the­oretical considerations, 166, 174; vocal projection, 137, 139, 140, 166, 168-169
Ear and eye compared, 180 Ear for music, defined, 176 Ear, its dual function, 187; its sensitivity,
178,   184; normal, 179; test, 181; trans­former of energy, 178
Ear canal, its resonance period, 179 Ear training, 23, 25, 41, 63, 67, 122, 128, 142, 145, 169, 200, 220, 238, 243; defined, 11, 176; general considerations, 176, 178,
179,  187; methodological considerations, 188, 189; psychological approach, 180, 188; technical approach, 184
Ear training problems, 262
Ease in singing, 32, 89, 214
Economy of effort principle, 38, 74, 168
Emotion, affects pitch accuracy, 219; de­fined, 221; genuine and simulated, 221, 222
Emotional emphasis, 221; expression, 31, 139, 140, 217; temperament, 65
Empirical knowledge predominates, 6
Empiricists, 243
Emulation, 184; defined, 189
Endurance, vocal, 89
Energy, fundamental, 173; in singing, 149; tonal, 100, 133
English language as a medium, 230, 240
Enunciation, defined, 190
Epiglottis, function of, 108, 133, 201
Esophagus, 118
European languages, 201; song literature, 229
Exaggeration, 58, 214; as a device, 209; de­fined, 209
Exdaiming, as a device, 80
Exercise, law of, 67,95; beginning, 52; body building, 82; breathing, 78; choice of, 54, 102; monotony of, 68; repetitive, 63; routine, 4g; scales, 160; toneless, 82; vocal, 42, 179, 202
Experiments, intensity ratings, 168; mouth resonance, 138
Expiration, defined, 69
Expressional factors in singing, 41, 64, 197
Expressional impulse, 164
Expressional intent, defined, 79; method, 96, 241
Extrinsic mechanisms, defined, 107
Facial expression, 43, 235
Facial muscles, 112
False cords, 98
Falsetto, defined, 151; isolation of, 161;
mechanism, 152; quality, 105; range, 154;
register, 151 Falsetto tones, legitimacy of, 150, 154, 162 Fatigue, respiratory, 74; vocal, 30, 33, 38,
57, 82, 164 Faults, vocal, 133 Fear, 64, 127, 238; causes of, 40; defined,
39; effects upon voice, 40 Female and male voices compared, 133,
149 Filar-di-voce, 232 First lessons, simplicity of, 52 Flexibility, £1, 160, 141, 236, 237, 241; de­fined, 242 Focus, defined, 141 Focusing the voice, 133, 135,141,142, 14S,
183 Forcing the voice, 170 Foreign language songs, 229,240 Formant, defined 132; low and high, 118,
132 Forward tone, 141,142,144, 180 Freedom, defined, 242; importance of, 241 Freedom in singing, 26, 32, 34, 35, 37"39»
40, 63,. 72, 94, 112,118,127,140, i§s, 198,
220, 241; denned, 35 Frequencies, 106,132; damping, 129 Frequency, defined, 147 Frequency band, 133, 149* J94 Function, defined, 139; natural, 75 Fundamental, denned, 132; pitch, 194;
tone, 100,137,138,144
Gamut, defined, 147; vocal, 105, 205 Garcia, Manuel, 9,121, 154* l8°
Generalizations, nonsensical, 5 Genio-glossus muscle, 49